About us

Learn about our cause

Our Story

People Planet Profit B.V. (PPP) is an investment company founded in 2007 with a broader purpose than just making money. Years before the term "social investing" was coined, PPP had already decided to measure the return on its investments not only in "profit" but also in return on "people" and "planet". The emphasis is on fair, social and responsible entrepreneurship with the aim of improving working and living conditions and making an emphatic contribution to making our planet more sustainable. Impact investing!

Our work

People Planet Profit has got over 14 years of experience in sustainable food and sustainable energy.

Because making the global energy supply more sustainable has now been successfully deployed, we have said goodbye to the participations in this sector. The goal has been achieved!

Now full focus is on companies that are sustainably active in international food chains and where the origins are "smallholders" in developing countries.

Our cause

We have a strong commitment towards the People Planet Profit concept and want to help organizations implementing this concept by providing capital, knowledge, our network and entrepreneurial drive.

​Studies show a clear need for sustainable, natural products that are also traceable in their origin. The social theme of equal prosperity in the chain is also more relevant than ever. To be able to make a difference here too, growth of our portfolio is desirable and therefore also the need for new capital.

Focus points

We are looking for growth capital, brought in by people who:

• are committed to the cause,

• passionate about helping others,

• passionate about sustainability,

• are goal oriented,

• will not stop before targets are met,

• are patient and,

• seek for balanced results; i.e. People, Planet Profit.
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Benoordenhoutseweg 43
The Hague, 2596BC
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